Cloud Audit
The Cloud ecosystem is changing constantly, and it can be difficult to keep up with new developments. Further, like with many complex IT solutions, an unmanaged Cloud deployment can result in unwanted bloat and become outdated over time. Winmill can help streamline your Cloud architecture to ensure that it is a secure, performant and cost-effective solution for your business. We can make sure that it remains efficient and optimal. We can also explore evaluating your build and release lifecycle using cloud native tools so that your delivery times are as low as possible.
Security Audit
Security is often taken for granted in the cloud. Many users both new and experienced expect the cloud to manage the security of their hosting for them, but this simply isn’t the case. Cloud providers will give you the tools to secure the infrastructure you’ve deployed to their platform, but it is up to you to utilize them properly. WinMill can review and remediate any shortcomings found in your Network Architecture, Resource Placement (public vs private network), security appliance rules and security groups. WinMill can help you setup automated security patching and instance maintenance using native cloud tools that don’t require any additional infrastructure or hosting costs. We can also ensure that you are properly utilizing the platform’s IAM features, i.e. least privilege, unused accounts, roles etc.
Cost Effectiveness
Managing the cost of your Cloud deployments can be difficult. One of the biggest advantages of Cloud is the ability to only pay for what you need and cut out unnecessary support infrastructure. However, maintaining these cost savings over time can be tough when the Public Cloud costing models and service offerings are constantly being updated and unbounded infrastructure creep starts to eat up all the cost savings you see when you first move into the Cloud.
WinMill can help you navigate the public Cloud costing maze to ensure that the services you are running, and the instance types you have picked are the most cost effective for your specific technical and business needs. We can also help you find Cloud native services to replace 3rd party services which often require additional support infrastructure and licensing costs. WinMill can also help you identify opportunities to move services from more classic (and expensive) always on virtual servers to managed services which allow you to stop having to manage an OS.
When it comes to choosing resource sizing many organizations choose virtual servers or services based on what their traditional servers required without realizing how much more efficient compute power in the cloud can be. This results in an over or miss provisioned set of resources that unnecessarily drive up costs. WinMill can help streamline your Cloud infrastructure to ensure that you are only paying for what you really need. WinMill can also review and suggest changes to the pricing models chosen in the past that may need updating. Re-examining your pricing models can often save you 20 to 30 percent in hosting costs over the course of a year.
DevOps Strategy
WinMill strongly recommends a Cloud native DevOps strategy with a heavy emphasis on using the tools provided by your Cloud vendor to build and maintain CI/CD pipelines and testing frameworks whenever possible. Third party tools introduce additional hosting and maintenance requirements as well as introduce unnecessary downtime and delays in your delivery cycle. We can help you move to a more streamlined DevOps deployment that ensures your CI/CD resources are always available to your dev team with minimal (if any) maintenance required. We can also examine the cost effectiveness of your deployment targets. The inherent scalability of cloud native CI/CD targets combined with the opportunity for serverless deployments and integrations could mean significant savings for an organization in both time and hosting costs over the life of a product.
Development Lifecycle
WinMill can ensure that your development lifecycle is taking full advantage of what the Cloud has to offer by ensuring it is tightly integrated with the cloud. We do this by working with your teams to review your Cloud DevOps strategy as well as discussing when in the lifecycle builds are deployed to and tested in the cloud. WinMill strongly recommends that your application code is deployed to and tested in a cloud environment at the earliest stages in your lifecycle. This greatly reduces deployment and integration risks and costs towards the end of the lifecycle. We can help ensure that taking your application live in the cloud is as smooth and easy as possible. With the proper preparations and an integrated Cloud development lifecycle, taking an application live in the cloud can happen within a matter of minutes.
Disaster Recovery and Continuity
As with security, moving your applications into the cloud does not guarantee disaster recovery or continuity. Even virtual machines in the Cloud can fail. WinMill can ensure that your critical data is quickly recoverable when the worst happens. In addition to a disaster recovery strategy, we can also audit your deployments for appropriate levels of redundancy, so that if the worst does happen, your user base won’t experience any downtime. WinMill can also help you automate your OS level and application level backup lifecycles so that you are fully protected and able to meet your SLAs without overpaying for backup storage.
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